Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well, what we thought was a normal (although the weather was bad) Friday night, quickly turned in to a very eventful night. Earlier that night while the kids were in the bath we thought it would be fun to have a glow stick bath (found idea on pinterest). Well when the weather got bad we decided it was probably a good idea to cut the bath short and get the kids out. Since we used all the glow sticks for such a short period of time I thought it would be fun if Kellen and I went and layed with the kids for a while and played with the glow sticks in their room. It was finally time for bed so Kellen and I tucked the kids in and kissed them thinking that we wouldn't see them till the morning. About 5 minutes after we left their room we heard Maddux screaming. Maddux rarely screams and only does when something is very wrong. Kellen jumps up and run to the back and Maddux's mouth is bleed really bad. We throw him on the kitchen counter and I notice that he has bitten through his lip. ALL. THE. WAY. THROUH. I honestly didn't know what to do but I did know that I need to take him somewhere. After a call to my parents we all headed to the ER. Thankfully, this was the first experience of the ER for me or Maddux. We got back to a room quickly and after filling out paper work and sitting patiently waiting for the doctor, the doctor concluded that he needed stitches, and probably 4, in the lip. The doctor explained that it's hard to tell with kids, but if he puts up to much of a fight, that he would have to sedate him. SEDATE. HIM..... 
While the nurse went to get all the stuff I tried my best to explain to Maddux what was about to happen. I think I was trying to keep both of us calm. They told me that they were going to have to restrain him which was something that I knew was going to upset both him and myself. By the time everyone was ready, all the phones had died and the only form of entertainment was Maddux's leap.pad which I knew wasn't going to do the trick. They put him on the table, wrapped a sheet around him and then a velco board to keep him still. He wasn't really bothered by that. THEN...the needle. HOLY. COW. This was absolutely the worst part. With a nurse laying on his stomach and another at his head. We finally were done with the shot. Thank goodness.  I was trying my hardest to work the leappad to keep him occupied (which wasn't working) while the doctor stitched up his lip. Suprisingly, nothing of what I thought would bother me did. The only thing that really got me was Maddux screaming..."MOMMY, hold me........." Worst feeling ever. All I could tell him was that as soon as the doctor was done, I would get him as fast as possible. Tear. I seriously could not get my hands on him fast enough. 

(waiting patiently)

Finally, we were done and the doctor only had to do 2 stitches. We got him unwrapped and I wrapped him in my arm and held him so tight. He was sweat and so was I. Then....2 minutes later....He got a burst of energy (1:00 AM) and asked for his leap.pad. 
I can not thank my parents enough for coming and sitting with us (until 1 AM). Maddux was playing musical laps with all of us, only spending about 2 minutes with each of us before the cycle started over. My parents never cease to amaze me with their love. I hope that one day I can do the same for Avery, Maddux and Zoey's children. 
Kellen decided that Maddux's new nickname will be "Stitches". I still think "swiss cheese heart" is pretty cute. 
Maddux, let's slow down on the healthy related nicknames. Thanks, Mom...


E said...

OH my goodness... that made me tear up thinking about it. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been as a mommy!!!! So thankful that it went quickly & he did so well!

Hailey said...


I can totally relate. I HATE the papoose things. MH FREAKS! As she should.