Sunday, November 23, 2008


I now know what it means to "nest". I have started to organize everything in the house because these babies will be here in 55 days if not SOONER. I am already started to notice that our house might be to small for our growing family but getting a bigger house is not even a possibility . 

One joy of being a teacher is getting great vacations. This week I have the WHOLE week off and I plan on enjoying every second of it. 

Things on my to-do list this week:

Take Kellen's car to get fixed/oil change
Go to the dentist and eye doctor
Finish organizing the babies' room
Write thank you notes
Clean up the garage 
Get someone to paint the bookshelf
Write lesson plans for the next 3 weeks
Get Kellen to finish painting the back bedroom
Organize back bedroom
Put up all Christmas decorations
Watch Regis and Kelly every morning
Cook sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving
Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Finish all Christmas shopping
Wrap all Christmas presents

Update on the count:

Both: 9
Boys: 6
Girls: 8


Anonymous said...

I'll help around the house some this weekend.

For beer.

Jo-Jo said...

I'm so wondering how much of the to do list you actually got done? There was enough on that list for a normal unprego person to get done in a month much less one that is schlepping twins around! I did get my thank you note so a big X by that one! :)