Monday, January 30, 2012

Maddux - 3 Years

Dear Sweet Maddux,

I am not sure where to start with you. You are an incredible little boy. Your daddy and I love watching your adorable little personality bloom everyday. You are so loving and a joy to be with. You are absolutely NOTHING like your sister. Every one always told me that I would be amazed at how different twins are and I am now a believer. 

You are so funny and LOVE to laugh but you are content with playing with your cars and trains and letting your sister have center stage. 

You are all boy. You love dirt, playing in the water, trucks, trains and cars. I love to just watch you lay on the floor and play. You make your trains have conversations and I can't always understand every word but I can usually understand what is going on.

Speaking of talking, your speech has been getting SO much better and I am so proud of you for using more words. I love the fact that I can understand about 95% of what you say and others sometimes have a hard time. It makes me feel like we have a special connection. 

 Like I said, your favorite toys are your trains and cars and you would take them everywhere with you if I let you. The only problem is, is that you always want to take 20 of each just to drive to the bank. 

You are fearless. You LOVE to climb to the top of the play place at Chickfila and you had a blast at your birthday party climbing to the top of all the blow up slides. You are just like me in that way. I love a good rush of excitement! 

You are VERY smart. You amaze me everyday when you point out something that I didn't know you had learned.

You love your sisters. I love when you tell Zoey good morning every morning.

You aren't potty trained yet but we are working hard. You wear underwear while we are at home and if I keep reminding you about the potty you are fine but as soon as I slip up you have an accident but I'm not worried about you, you will soon figure it out. 

Your favorite foods are hotdogs and chips. 

Maddux Jett, you are loved so much and I hope you always know that. Like I said in Avery's post, sometimes I feel like I don't do the best job at being your mommy but I know that I pray that God will help me raise YOU, Maddux, to be who he wants you to be. I love you with all of my heart. You are a silly, quiet, loud, dirty, loving, cuddly little boy and I hope you stay that way. 

I love you,


1 comment:

Pop said...

I'm so proud of these two. I love being their Pop and they make my life wonderful when they are around..........