Today is the first day that one of the babies hasn't vomited in about 5 days. Needless to say, today was a good day. Since we weren't really picture ready I decided to take pictures of some of our favorite Christmas decorations.
First the stockings. I think they are my favorite thing! My family hung stockings but didn't really fill them but I am determined to figure this whole stocking thing out. I absolutely LOVE the twins' stockings. I got them last year from Pottery Barn (actually Nana got them!!). The quality is great and they are pretty big. After Christmas I think I am going to order two more for me and Kellen.
First the stockings. I think they are my favorite thing! My family hung stockings but didn't really fill them but I am determined to figure this whole stocking thing out. I absolutely LOVE the twins' stockings. I got them last year from Pottery Barn (actually Nana got them!!). The quality is great and they are pretty big. After Christmas I think I am going to order two more for me and Kellen.
I don't know about your elementary school but in Clinton we made these EVERY year! I seriously have 6 of these and they make me laugh every year!
Last year I decided that I wanted to pick out an ornament for each babies every year depending on what they were into that year. Since last year they didn't really care about anything I got these from Hallmark.
This is one of Kellen's ornaments. Who doesn't love A Christmas Story??? 24 hours on Christmas day! I seriously turn it on TBS and watch it allllll day! I never really noticed Ralphie face until I took this picture. It's SO serious.
Kellen and I got this ornament from his parents for our first Christmas. It is SO pretty and I am sooooo scared I am going to break it. It is at the VERY top of the tree to keep little fingers off of it!
This is another one of Kellen's. Everytime Avery see it, she yells..."Go Baves!!"
Isn't this ornament so sweet. One of my students picked this out for me. She gave it to me before we left for Christmas break, which means I was still pregnant. If you look closely, both babies have red hair....maybe she knew something! This one is really special to me!
Who you gunna call?? GHOSTBUSTERS! The kids love this ornament because it plays the song! I love it because it's so cute and it is perfect for Kellen!
This is Maddux's ornament for this year. We live close to a small independent airport and when we are outside we see TONS of airplanes pass over. Maddux points out every one to me everyday! He loves airplanes!
Love this. Thanks for posting. Mom
Love the stockings, and the ornaments, and the kiddos, and you!
Love it! Glad you guys are feeling better!
Awwww, the poor little babies!! I'm cracking up though b/c they are still so cute, even when miserable. Loved looking at your decor. We got our lights on the tree last night, only to have half a strand go out, so our tree is still nakey. Miss you.
My mom gave us ornaments every year for Christmas, too. I'm so glad she did because I now have a box of really personal, lovely ornaments that are just for me. It's a great tradition!
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