Saturday, July 17, 2010

Avery @ 18 Months

Avery, Ave.
Wow. Miss Personality!
Will try to repeat every word you say (I'm not the type of mom that counts every word she says...)
Has an attachment to her blanket, paci and her Mickey.
Is bossy :o)
Loves Murphy and any dog for that matter.
LOVES her grandparents.
Favorite words is Elmo.
Ask for her bow when she wakes up in the morning.
Loves to dance.
Talks for Maddux. I will ask Maddux a question and she will answer...another reason I think Maddux doesn't feel the need to talk in English!
Favorite food: Cheese!

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Courtney said...

I love how she asks for a bow in the morning!! so sweet!! They are growing up way too fast!

Dabney 11 said...

Loved catching up on your blog. Avery & Maddux are just precious. Cara Beth was 4 before she ever stayed in a theater for an entire movie, and I had to let her take advantage of the aisle between us and the wall for it to work too. You're doing a great job celebrating your kiddos. I love you and I'm proud of you.
Marian :)