Friday, January 21, 2011


Kelly's Korner is having a "Show us your life: Singles Edition" and I have the perfect person for some lucky man out there! 

Meet my friend, Lindsey! She is the one in purple! Isn't she BEAUTIFUL!! 

Lindsey and I have been friends for YEARS. We grew up in the same town and had the same friends. Lindsey is a wonderful person. She is VERY smart and has always excelled at everything that she has done. She went to Mississippi College for her undergrad and also went to Mississippi College Law School. She is definitely one of the smartest people that I know! 

The best thing about Lindsey though, is that she is a Christian. She loves the Lord. In between undergrad and law school she spent some time traveling and doing mission work in Jordan. She is very knowledgeable about the word and I admire that about her!

She was brought up in a wonderful home and her family is still very close. She has a younger sister and an older brother. She has one niece that she absolutely adores! She has a lot of friends and a great sense of humor. 

Currently, Lindsey lives in Jackson, is a lawyer at a law firm in Jackson and owns her own home (which is well decorated)! She is in her mid 20s. If you want more information about Lindsey, email me at!